University/college was a time for experimentation and learning, not necessarily producing finished work. Unfortunately the abstract style I developed was non-commercial so after leaving I struggled to find a medium and style that would be of some use but it wasn’t until I seriously got into CG that I discovered something that felt right and gave me the freedom and time I needed. Here’s a small selection of some of the analogue experiments and commissioned work, all dating back to the early 90’s.
The influence of (Violent Cases era) Dave McKean in this last one is kind of obvious. Influence is probably the wrong word .. desperately trying to emulate is probably more accurate. Drawn for a short story written by a customer of the Philharmonic Pub.
Some unsuccessful experiments and a couple for short stories.
Going back to my abstract roots. I did 8 of these on an industrial theme so not exactly abstract. This is the only one left. After Uni, while flitting between jobs, bedsits, flats and home all my artwork got spread around different family members who’d offered to store it for me. Unfortunately most were lost to a water tank leak.
These started as doodles while takinng breaks in the pub ( I was till doing bar work )
I was asked to help out producing posters for my old University theatre departments end of year plays. There wa, I think, 8 plays, all of which eventually needed posters and programmes, one even needed music and sound effects. All within 2 weeks. I had no computer so everything was hand drawn, photocopied and collaged.
I worked in one of Liverpools most famous pubs for about 3 years while trying to find my feet. While there I started a comic strip (called Brahms and Liszt for the euphemism and because they where the names over two of the internal doorways) for the staff and designed the pub t-shirt logos.
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